Sunday 7 February 2010

Arsing about with glee

My dads been reading these, (hi dad!) so i guess i should keep em going for a while!

Totally forgot about this thing, or maybe i just didnt have anything to blog about!

But dont fret as I am back with another post about absolutely nothing :D
Its Sunday today and I have again done nothing because its God's day and he would be offended if i did.
In uni tomorrow to watch our documentaries, i bet there are gonna be some awesome ones cause guys from my class actually have editing suites in their homes so they are very hardcore with the whole process. Our group was not.

Anyhoo up at half 9 tomorrow and my housemates are urging me to go for a drink soon but i am being sensible and saying no because i wouldnt be able to get up if i did! Ive slept in through enough classes this week (one) and considering its my only class of the week, thats one too many if you ask me.
Plus I have enough alcohol consuming opportunities this week as I am 21 next Monday woop!! So we are having a bday party for me on Friday yay! Cross fingers that no crazies from next door cause a ruccus(did i spell that right? ill check it on google later).

My tv show of this week is....
GLEEEEE!! And also 8 Simple rules but we'll leave that for next week.

Glee is awesome! Basically its about a teacher trying to make the Glee club better and so he has to try and get more students involved in singing and dancing but everyone hates the club and some of the teachers even try to sabotage Glee and the people in it. I thought it would be some stupid cheesy show like high school musical or something else terrible, but its actually really funny and definately worth a watch. The characters are hilarious and its more about the teachers than the students sometimes. The songs are really good too, they mime them in the show but everyone can actually sing although sometimes its a bit cheesy when they dance n stuff, but you ignore it cause its so good. Good show now. :D


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